As summer unfolds, all is quiet here at The Nest as we busily plan for the Autumn term. This period of relaxation and sunshine is a wonderful opportunity to unwind and recharge. However, we understand that summer can also bring its own set of challenges for many. Being away from a structured daily routine, the anxious wait for exam results and the uncertainty of what lies ahead, whether it involves new academic pursuits,or other life transitions, all can make this time feel a little overwhelming. But you are not alone and it is perfectly ok to be feeling all these feelings.
On our website you will find a resource page which will signpost you to websites, apps and books for support. So if you or someone you know is struggling right now go check it out.
RESOURCES | The Nest Farms
Taking care of your mental and emotional well-being is just as important as enjoying the summer sunshine. Don’t hesitate to seek out the support you need to make this summer as enjoyable and stress-free as possible.